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The Role of Veterinary Dermatopathology in Preclinical Research and Drug Development
What is veterinary dermatopathology? Veterinary dermatopathology combines bridges the gap between two subspecialities in veterinary medicine, namely pathology and dermatology. In the veterinary...
Histopathology Techniques: Evaluation of Therapeutic Antibodies Ex Vivo in Neurodegenerative Disease Research
The therapeutic potential of antibodies was discovered based on experiments evaluating serum from animals exposed to attenuated forms of pathogens. Since then, an enormous progress has been made in...
Histopathology as a Quick, Effective and Complimentary Target Identification and Validation Method
Target identification and validation represents a key first preclinical drug development phase leading up to clinical trials. In this case, target is used as a broad term, and represents a range of...
Toxicologic Pathology: How to Get the Most Value out of Your Outsourced Toxicology Studies
As the name indicates, the field of toxicologic pathology integrates the disciplines of pathology and toxicology. In the preclinical field, toxicologic pathologists integrate these two fields in an...
How to Optimally Incorporate Histopathology Readouts to Evaluate the Efficacy of Your Novel Anti-Cancer Compounds
Anti-cancer drugs Hundreds of compounds are currently undergoing clinical trials for evaluating their effectiveness in fighting cancer, and thousands more are being developed and investigated...
Histopathology Assay Development for Preclinical Research: 10 Key considerations for Antibody Selection
It is becoming increasingly apparent that histopathology is the cornerstone of preclinical research. Therefore, the ever-growing field of novel biomedical technologies and therapeutics awaiting to...
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